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Subject: DQB is probably the worst choice you can possibly make
(Posted on 08/26/03 - 06:51:49 AM)

Joakim's website
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It's very slow and some of the functions are buggy. Unless you combine it with RelLib it's really not worth touching. You could use RelLib on it's own if you want to do screen 13 graphics, or UGL if you want to do anything else (SVGA). UGL would probably be the best choice no matter what graphics mode you're in, but it does take more to get working and the syntax is for some reason hard to understand for n00bs.
I suggest you get RelLib if you just want to try out libraries - but don't do this before you're 100% into quickbasic.
Happy programming
<sub>rofl wtf? stfu and rtfm!</sub>

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