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Subject: Re: Oh! Also...
(Posted on 08/26/03 - 03:33:15 PM)

Kack's website

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Hmmmm... Deleting QGZ... zap. Yeah, I was going to clean out my folder but, my ftp password always rests,lol. By the way, the reason for me not being around is cause of alot of things going on in my life. Currently I am attending college. As Fling already knows, Im am at Fullsail. I only can get internet access when im at school, once or twice a week considering that my c++,data structures and Direct3d9 class last for 8 hours(5pm - 1am). So my day is long. The cool thing about it is that we get to play arcade games in class and on break( we have are own arcade!). So I will try to post as much as possible here.
Hay Fling!!!

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